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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing: In this article we shall discuss Affiliate Marketing, So basically what is affiliate marketing, some different affiliate marketing networks, how it works, the parties involved therein, and really how you can get started with affiliate marketing.

So just get right into the Affiliate Marketing definition., “it's a form of marketing where you advertise another company's products or services and you earn a commission for each product or service that you sell”.

So the overall commission that you earn is really dependent on whatever product or services that you're advertising and the way affiliate marketing works is you try to drive people generally to your website and when they get to your website you have another company's products or services either recommended or for sale on your website so every click and sale you drive is recorded through an affiliate marketing network and for each sale that you generate you're able to earn a set commission for each of those sales.

So for example, if you're earning a 5% Commission for each $100 the sale that you send you to earn five dollars so the big benefit of affiliate marketing are you don't have to carry so many products in your stock so that generally means that the margins are a little bit smaller than if you would carry a lot of inventory and if you set your own prices for products that you were carrying but there's also no upfront fee for getting started with affiliate marketing now obviously you're gonna have to put some time into it there might be some small costs with creating a website but I'm gonna get into some more things about affiliate marketing including who is involved with every transaction and everything that you need to know to get started.

So if you're wondering how to become an affiliate marketer the main way to do it is to create a website focused on a topic right SEO friendly content based on your keyword so ultimately the goal was to drive targeted traffic to your website because that's gonna help you drive affiliate marketing sales so any successful affiliate website generally has a lot of traffic going to it from people that are searching things into Google into Bing people who are finding your website through social media and really it's based around having a lot of helpful search engine friendly content that ranks in search engines so you're able to drive a lot of traffic to your website for products and services that people are actually looking for and interested in.

So I'm gonna go over some examples of affiliate websites and some different ideas so you can understand really how to get started as an affiliate marketer so now when it comes to who is involved with affiliate marketing there's really four parties involved there's the merchant so that's the company that is selling the product or service there's the affiliate marketer/publisher so that would be you so that's the person who is promoting the product or service there's the network so this is the exchange where merchants and publishers are able to meet the network keep track of all the clicks that you drive all the sales that you drive and there's the customer so that's whoever is buying the product or service so for each affiliate marketing transaction each of these four parties are involved so the merchant generally keeps track of all the inventory they have whatever the product or service is for sale and they're the ones that handle each transaction the affiliate marketer is responsible for driving clicks to the merchant which is all monitored by the network and the customer is ultimately who's gonna end up buying the product or service.

So some popular affiliate marketing networks there's Amazon Associates a win' ShareASale Clickbank CJ affiliate Max bounty Rakuten marketing flex offers there's the eBay Partner Network and then there's another affiliate marketing networks like Target like Etsy so really the main way to know if the website has any affiliate marketing offers is to go to that website scroll to the bottom and they'll generally have a link that says affiliates or you could just do a quick Google search so if you search Bluehost Affiliate Network they're gonna pull up the page right on Google it's gonna be the top result that says Bluehost affiliates and you can sign up right through that link generally to get started with any of these networks, you're gonna need a website that has some traffic that has some content on it so you can't just say okay well I'm gonna be promoting this offer they generally want to see some work done beforehand so you can't just go in and get accepted to any affiliate marketing network that some of them are a little bit easier to get accepted into some are very difficult to get accepted into and there really are looking for a certain person to be an affiliate marketer for their products and services.

So it really depends on the affiliate marketing network that you choose but these are a lot of the top ones that are available so if you want to get started these are some of the ones that would look at you could also look at just some of the offers that they have some of the products or services that they're already selling and that can help guide what you want to actually advertise as an affiliate marketer but one thing to keep in mind is that if you're trying to become an affiliate marketer for something you have no interest in it can be very difficult to stay motivated every single day.

So you really want to find something that you have some level of interest in now last but not least and probably the main question that people ask is how much can I earn from affiliate marketing so really you can earn a ton of money you can earn a full time living you can earn really six figures some people earn seven figures but that's really few and far between most affiliate marketers fail because they don't have any long term strategy they see ok I can sell this product for $200 I earn 10 percent commission on it so for every sale, I'm making $20 all I need to do is make 10 sales a day and I'm able to earn a full-time living however it's not really that simple.

So it's pretty difficult to drive sales as an affiliate marketer because you have a lot of competition because the upfront costs are very low there's a lot of affiliate marketers so you need to look at a long term strategy any and really successful affiliate marketers as I put here they work tirelessly and they stick to their strategy you can only earn a lot of money if you're working on your website your content your marketing every single day and take it from me firsthand I've tried and failed a lot of times as an affiliate a marketer I've created plenty of websites that I've barely earned anything that I basically broke even so it's not easy to earn from affiliate marketing.

So you need to work tirelessly at it you need to work every single day and continue to improve your website and keep driving more and more traffic to your website like I put in the previous slide more targeted traffic is gonna equal more affiliate sales for whatever product or service it is that you're promoting.

Okay so now the next thing I want to get into are some affiliate marketing example websites including some of my own websites so you can really see how affiliate marketing works and some different options you have when you're trying to promote products and services so beachfront decor company is basically just an affiliate marketing web okay so if you go to beachfront a core company and you look at some of the different products that are available here these are all gonna bring you to so when someone clicks on to learn more for one of these products.

So we'll use this as an example they click on learn more it's gonna bring them to they can buy this product directly through Amazon and if they buy the product through my product link then I'm gonna earn a small commission for each product that sale that I generate so basically the beachfront decor has around 7,000 products on the website all of the most of them go to some go to as well and anytime someone goes to one of these products they click through and they go to whether they buy this chair whether they buy anything from so Amazon has a 24-hour cookie so that means anything they buy within 24 hours of a click to Amazon, I'm gonna get a commission for so sometimes people go here they buy one product they buy completely different products.

I can see which products people buy and they're not always beachfront or related they're not always related to home decor so really anything that people buy from I can earn a commission from now it might seem like it's easy it might seem like there's a lot of earning potential here which there is but it doesn't mean that it's always consistent there's gonna be some big days there's gonna be some smaller days it depends on what you're driving consistently now in addition to the shop where there's over 7,000 products here I also have a blog with over a hundred 70 posts so each of these posts have a lot of text to them so this is an example of sunglasses wedding favors so people are gonna find this page through search engines through some social media so I do have some shares and tweets I don't know why they don't show up here but people are gonna be able to find this page through organic search through social media, you could also use paid advertising as long as your website isn't just basically a small affiliate website as long as it's helpful to people so if someone clicks through sees this website maybe they click right here so these are Amazon ads.

So if they click through to here it's gonna go to Amazon if they Click on these it's gonna go to Amazon so any of these learn more links scroll down a little bit, there are more products down here so these ones are gonna goes to some other affiliate marketing merchants pages where anybody buys something I'm gonna get a cut of it these are through ShareASale com so I went over that previous in one of the top affiliate marketing networks so I worked with ShareASale I work with I also work with a few other ones now these posts and curating a lot of these images and these products takes a lot of time to put together so you can't look at affiliate marketing as some get-rich-quick scheme.

I know a lot of people like to look at it like that but it's really not it's very difficult to drive traffic to your website and continuously drive sales so you're gonna have to really keep track of all the content that you're producing and continue to produce content and use content marketing strategies to bring in new traffic every single day now a few other examples I don't own these websites but here's one hosting fax com so if you come here basically it says 10 best web hosting services in 2019 this ranked really high in Google so I just searched best hosting services and this is the page that came up so you can see right here Bluehost.

So if I click here to go to visit Bluehost I sign up whoever runs this website is gonna earn a commission so it's the same for every single one of these because they all have affiliate marketing programs if they're showing any of these that don't have affiliate marketing programs and I go through and visit it and click their sign up they're not going to earn anything at all but since they're using affiliate marketing every single one that I go through and click through if I do sign up they're going to earn a commission.

if I click here for the most part most affiliate networks don't give you any commissions for just driving clicks some do generally the Commission's are very small you usually have to drive a sale to earn anything from affiliate marketing so it's a little bit different than google AdSense.

If we come back over to my beachfront decor website right here right here is a tailwind ad but it's run through Google Adsense so if someone clicks this then I earn just based on that click this is not affiliate marketing it's really just advertising so coming back to the hosting example anything here so product reviews are really really popular way to do affiliate marketing if you can create really good product reviews especially if you are familiar with a lot of these different products you can really earn a lot from this so you have to understand that there's a lot of work that goes into it you can't just basically create your website and expect instant results it's gonna take months and months of work to really get started earning from affiliate marketing.

Now another example here is a website balding beards so it's saying best hair growth products for men and women so I just searched best hair loss products and I found this website on the first page of Google so you can see if I scroll down right here it says to check on Amazon so if I click through this link and buy it then they're gonna earn a commission so if I scroll down you can see they have a nice list here of a lot of different popular hair loss products for men and women so many of these that I click through I'm gonna end up if I end up buying it they're gonna get a commission from it so it's a really popular way to do affiliate marketing is with reviews with lists kind of showing what the best products are so it really depends on what you're advertising but ultimately what you want to do is find a specific niche whether it's web hosting whether it's beachfront or whether it's hair loss something like that and if you're able to drive sales that way then you can earn from affiliate marketing.

So hopefully that clears things up a little bit for what is an affiliate marketing how does it work how to get started.

Note: The publisher's consent is not necessary to agree with all or any of the articles he is publishing on this website, as this content is taken from internet to help people who are searching for such content.

Video link from where this content is acquired

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