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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing: We're going to talk about Social Media Marketing and how you can make it work for your business for your products and services to showcase to a wider audience. 

Now briefly I'm just going to ask you this simple question that among a lot of Social Media Platforms which one do you think would be ideal for your products and services, well! that's the important factor that you must determine meaning apart from Facebook the rest of the social media platforms you need to kind of understand who is participating there isn't like let's imagine Tumblr, Tumblr has a distinct community so to speak so therefore for your products or services that typo audience may be ideal if that's the case focus your attention day instead of let's say twitter or google+ and so a reddit community is another one whereby it's it's a bit more tight-knit community but don't make an honest mistake like most small business owners do as in social media marketing is not about you just pulling out your product and services you know showcasing them only it's about interacting with other people so allocating certain amount of time each week will be ideal for small business owners because remember people who let's say participate on ready they may not participate on Tumblr and yet for my own products and services the target audience for my industry may be ready.

If that's the case I must get in there make sense but remember the golden rule is interaction because that's what social media marketing is all about stumble upon they've been around for a long time you like or dislike a page as you stumble on internet yeah it may be the case that you are you know offering info graphs you know like excel documents Word documents or any type of documents if that's the case Slide Share is a place whereby you can showcase your documents and they've been around long time as well and the fact that they keep updating and moving with times and Internet technology means that there is a potential for you if your business does provide those documents because there is no point for me or you to have the documents on our website.

we have to get a lay up there and be active in our interaction as in air sharing because most small business owners make this mistake so make sure you don't do it is in you know like create the profile and then just hope that people will find you that's not going to happen unless you're really advertising top dollars right you must be the one who interacts with people first don't wait for them to interact with you now don't wait for them to follow you first go and follow them because the more you do that let's take Tumblr as an example let's say I end up following other people well then people who go and visit their profile they see perhaps my avatar and they can click on it and so on but because I took the first step to go and participate they it just allowed a better opportunity for people to find me make sense so that's what you need to focus on as well twitter twitter is actually very popular you can actually showcase images and other links and so on and comment as in when someone likes you or follow through and so on you can retweet what they tweet about you interact with people you can follow people but remember once again you got to follow people first don't create the profile and just wait and wait and keep putting out things that on you see it then so you follow people first and they will follow you back as well google+ and well this is Google's attempt to catch up with Facebook but I believe they've they've kind of missed the wagon day right but nonetheless they are improving so Google+ is a great if you have a local business particularly.

So if you have a local business then you have to be in Google+ right you have to have that local business page because it's Google’s and every time you share something on your google+ page and if every now and then you know like when you share something from your own website or your blog okay then you know you get in a backlink right and that's very important and the fact that it's coming from Google’s platform then says that's a more quality of a backlink pointing back to your website so keep that in mind as well but nonetheless with google+ you know I've been around a long time on google+ and I’ll tell you the fact that I actually don't focus a lot on google+ as you can see there's only 36 followers because I just do not have the time and energy to grow my google plus page because google+ is mainly to interact with other people who are in the business field and so on right but nonetheless if you have a local business then it's a must be in there.

Now let's talk about YouTube a little YouTube is very powerful and the fact that you know Google answer and the fact that they are really really updating it you know I can tell you that this is Google's attempt to match Facebook that's why they really investing heavily on YouTube but what that means for you is you know what it doesn't matter what industry you're in I am more than confident in knowing that you will find your angle you will find your niche sorts p you can carve your niche on YouTube getting the Don way and the fact that I have videos that shows you how you can click the target keywords and rank your videos easily basically means you can and ok recently I've I worked with a chiropractor right chiropractor is all about manipulation of the human body right but you may think well you know what I can acquire a factor be on YouTube well they can write tape him you don't have to have you know expensive cameras to start shooting your short videos right anyone you know with a smartphone you can yelp right and you know just your focus on your ideal audience you know let's imagine someone.

Let's imagine someone in Melbourne I hurt their back and they thinking okay you know what I've got a bit of a sprain on my back they go on YouTube if their visual learners a type or how do you remedy back pain but what happens is that's what people do they searched and when they searched if you're in YouTube then you create that short video how to remedy back pain you know that's just one example what I'm trying to tell you is YouTube is a community it's very popular and it's very easy for you to grow your YouTube channel for that reason find your angle get in there because YouTube is powerful as Facebook especially if you're in an industry whereby you can create those short videos and remember they don't have to be professional I mean take a look at my videos they're not professional right I’m just using my webcam right but at the end of day my subscriber base is growing thanks to you but they should give you the idea and confidence in knowing that you can get in there make you to work as well and well here let me quickly give you one inside.

Ok let's say chiropractic Oh as you can see it's showing you right so you can find many many different keywords when you look at a keyword on internet from search engines whether it's google or YouTube search or Facebook search or whatever they always give you these suggestions right but suggestions are questions that can be answered and at the end of the day if you want to participate and grow on YouTube that's what you need to do is in target keywords which are questions right so keep that in mind so let's move on and let's look at the sleeping giant that if you're not in Facebook if you're not marketing on Facebook in 2015 and 2016 then the future of your online business will have a challenge in it n reason I say that is because Facebook business page in Facebook advertising space is a new space that means it's very affordable for small business owners like me and you now it may be the case that you are already on Facebook.

You have a Facebook business page well if that's the case remember this most small business owners they use Facebook as just putting up links to their products and their website and so on yes Facebook business page is about your business but remember it doesn't matter what platform is in social media platform your marketing on what is very critical to understand and make social media platform marketing world is that you must make the social media profiles of yours all about your target audience that means if you are selling products let's say you're selling product you have an e-commerce site if you just keep putting out you know like here is twenty percent discount on your Facebook business page or this week's special come that's never gonna work right because you're seeing past your ideal audience and on internet you want to succeed then do not see past your ideal audience make sense make everything that you do for the benefit of your ideal Williams do you not see past their and once their needs you know that's the only way to grow on internet make sense take a look at the profile image I have here you know what you showed me an image I can create a better one make sense so I can use that ability writer for a short all that stuff but look how simple this profile image is but don't get fooled with the simplicity of it because the profile image yes it's a Facebook business page.

It's about what I am doing yes okay surely your Facebook business pages are BR you what I'm trying to tell you is you don't have to be all like professional okay yeah you have your logo yes of course showcase your opening hours all this stuff right but make your Facebook business page about your ideal audience that means don't just you know free up your own product relax every now and then share something that would be of interest to them it could be some news if you are in that particular niche right so you got a work there no one else on this planet can tell you that you know who your target audiences see if you don't think you must intimately get to know them right you know research brainstorm all that stuff right but find out you know let's say you're offering dog grooming services in Melbourne.

If that's the case copy owners dog lovers right they have their own dog right or pets or song right now you can make your profile in such way that you talk about all you know our dog grooming business is the best in Melbourne all this stuff who cares but if you perhaps you know let's say images cute images of dogs puppies and so on or run some sort of a campaign then engages with your audience or make them send their photos of their puppies and so what I'm trying to tell you is see past your own benefit so to speak because when you do that you watch what will happen you can advertise very affordably as well so keep that in mind. I really want to thank you for learning with me about Social Media Marketing. 

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